Saturday, May 22, 2010

Smoking converters!

Woken at 8am, it did feel a bit like the middle of the night but the sun streaming through the window quickly made it seem like the real morning. Mid-morning there was a near disaster with the voltage converter. I had charged the laptop with it successfully on the first evening, but had noticed some evidence of overheating in the converter so I set my watch alarm for one hour when I tried to charge it again. After 15 minutes we heard a strange hissing followed by a definite "pop". Rushing through from the next room I discovered the converter smoking! To cut a long story short, the converter was fried, but the laptop fortunately was unharmed. My sister took me into Leeds and we managed to find a way to plug my Mac's power adaptor into a British socket for 4 quid. Otherwise had a quiet day, finishing with a 45 minute return to see the bluebells one last time and a long and successful Skype showing the family in the US around the garden.

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