Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Looking forward, and back

After leaving the site in mid-July it was interesting to watch further progress via the official blog, including the excellent video reports. The area Sean and I worked on did not receive much more attention; instead the southern end was pushed back another 3 meters or so. As it turned out, we had been very close to reaching the end of the robber trench.

TV historian Bettany Hughes visited the site on the last day of official digging, and tweeted a nice picture that covered our end of the trench very nicely. I reproduce her picture below, with some embellishment - the dotted yellow line indicates the edge of the trench as we left it, the red circled area is roughly where Sean and I were digging, and the blue arrowhead marks the stone I pointed out in my July 9th post (red arrow on day 7):

The photo nicely shows the huge collapse in all the late structures running up the centre of the picture, presumed to be due to a ditch from an earlier structure.

Sean and I enjoyed it so much, we decided to have a go again! The November 1st application frenzy took place at an even more astonishing pace in 2013; and despite getting onto the site within the first second of it opening at 8:00 AM Eastern I was unable to get us both a slot; it appears to me that the system gets overwhelmed by the load in those first few minutes - I had a spot in my cart but when I clicked to make it two my cart suddenly became "empty"... However, with a little patience and some help from the Trust I was able to snag two spots for us later in the day. So, we'll be getting tired and dirty in the same post-break fortnight in 2014, combining it with a family holiday in the Lakes, taking in the start of the Tour de France. Should be quite a trip.